Professional Usage

The previous page demonstrated how to directly run an algorithm by calling the runner. In order to help users better understand the internal implementation process of “XuanCe”, and facilitate further algorithm development and implementation of their own reinforcement learning tasks, this section will take the PPO algorithm training on the MuJoCo environment task as an example, and provide a detailed introduction on how to call the API from the bottom level to implement reinforcement learning model training.

Step 1: Create config file

A config file should contains the necessary arguments of a PPO agent, and should be a YAML file. Here we show a config file named “mujoco.yaml” for MuJoCo environment in gym.

dl_toolbox: "torch"  # The deep learning toolbox. Choices: "torch", "mindspore", "tensorlayer"
project_name: "XuanCe_Benchmark"
logger: "tensorboard"  # Choices: tensorboard, wandb.
wandb_user_name: "your_user_name"
render: False
render_mode: 'rgb_array' # Choices: 'human', 'rgb_array'.
test_mode: False
device: "cuda:0"

agent: "PPO_Clip"  # choice: PPO_Clip, PPO_KL
env_name: "MuJoCo"
vectorize: "Dummy_Gym"
runner: "DRL"

representation_hidden_size: [256,]
actor_hidden_size: [256,]
critic_hidden_size: [256,]
activation: "LeakyReLU"

seed: 79811
parallels: 16
running_steps: 1000000
n_steps: 256
n_epoch: 16
n_minibatch: 8
learning_rate: 0.0004

use_grad_clip: True

vf_coef: 0.25
ent_coef: 0.0
target_kl: 0.001  # for PPO_KL agent
clip_range: 0.2  # for PPO_Clip agent
clip_grad_norm: 0.5
gamma: 0.99
use_gae: True
gae_lambda: 0.95
use_advnorm: True

use_obsnorm: True
use_rewnorm: True
obsnorm_range: 5
rewnorm_range: 5

test_steps: 10000
eval_interval: 5000
test_episode: 5
log_dir: "./logs/ppo/"
model_dir: "./models/ppo/"

Step 2: Get the attributes of the example

This section mainly includes parameter reading, environment creation, model creation, and model training. First, create a file. The code writing process can be divided into the following steps:

Step 2.1 Get the hyper-parameters of command in console

Define the following function parse_args(), which uses the Python package argparse to read the command line instructions and obtain the instruction parameters.

import argparse

def parse_args():
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser("Example of XuanCe.")
    parser.add_argument("--method", type=str, default="ppo")
    parser.add_argument("--env", type=str, default="mujoco")
    parser.add_argument("--env-id", type=str, default="InvertedPendulum-v4")
    parser.add_argument("--test", type=int, default=0)
    parser.add_argument("--device", type=str, default="cuda:0")
    parser.add_argument("--benchmark", type=int, default=1)
    parser.add_argument("--config", type=str, default="./ppo_mujoco_config.yaml")

    return parser.parse_args()

Step 2.2 Get all attributes of the example

First, the parse_args() function from Step 2.1 is called to read the command line instruction parameters, and then the configuration parameters from Step 1 are obtained.

from xuance import get_arguments

if __name__ == "__main__":
parser = parse_args()
args = get_arguments(method=parser.method,

In this step, the get_arguments() function from “XuanCe” is called. In this function, it first searches for readable parameters based on the combination of the env and env_id variables in the xuance/configs/ directory. If default parameters already exist, they are all read. Then, the function continues to index the configuration file from Step 1 using the config.path path and reads all the parameters from the .yaml file. Finally, it reads all the parameters from the parser.

During the three reading processes, if there are duplicate variable names, the latter parameters will overwrite the former ones. Ultimately, the get_arguments() function will return the args variable, which contains all the parameter information and is input into the run() function.

Step 3: Define run(), create and run the model

Define the run() function with the input as the args variable obtained in Step 2. In this function, environment creation is implemented, and modules such as representation, policy, and agent are instantiated to perform the training.

Here is an example definition of the run() function with comments:

import os
from copy import deepcopy
import numpy as np
import torch.optim

from xuance.common import space2shape
from xuance.environment import make_envs
from xuance.torch.utils.operations import set_seed
from xuance.torch.utils import ActivationFunctions

def run(args):
    agent_name = args.agent  # get the name of Agent.
    set_seed(args.seed)  # set random seed.

    # prepare directories for results
    args.model_dir = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), args.model_dir, args.env_id)  # the path for saved model.
    args.log_dir = os.path.join(args.log_dir, args.env_id)  # the path for logger file.

    # build environments
    envs = make_envs(args)  # create simulation environments
    args.observation_space = envs.observation_space  # get observation space
    args.action_space = envs.action_space  # get action space
    n_envs = envs.num_envs  # get the number of vectorized environments.

    # prepare representation
    from xuance.torch.representations import Basic_MLP
    representation = Basic_MLP(input_shape=space2shape(args.observation_space),
                               device=args.device)  # create representation

    # prepare policy
    from xuance.torch.policies import Gaussian_AC_Policy
    policy = Gaussian_AC_Policy(action_space=args.action_space,
                                device=args.device)  # create Gaussian policy

    # prepare agent
    from xuance.torch.agents import PPOCLIP_Agent, get_total_iters
    optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(policy.parameters(), args.learning_rate, eps=1e-5)  # create optimizer
    lr_scheduler = torch.optim.lr_scheduler.LinearLR(optimizer, start_factor=1.0, end_factor=0.0,
                                                    total_iters=get_total_iters(agent_name, args))  # for learning rate decay
    agent = PPOCLIP_Agent(config=args,
                          device=args.device)  # create a PPO agent

    # start running
    envs.reset()  # reset the environments
    if args.benchmark:  # run benchmark
        def env_fn():  # for creating testing environments
            args_test = deepcopy(args)
            args_test.parallels = args_test.test_episode  # set number of testing environments.
            return make_envs(args_test)  # make testing environments.

        train_steps = args.running_steps // n_envs  # calculate the total running steps.
        eval_interval = args.eval_interval // n_envs  # calculate the number of training steps per epoch.
        test_episode = args.test_episode  # calculate the number of testing episodes.
        num_epoch = int(train_steps / eval_interval)  # calculate the number of epochs.

        test_scores = agent.test(env_fn, test_episode)  # first test
        best_scores_info = {"mean": np.mean(test_scores),  # average episode scores.
                            "std": np.std(test_scores),  # the standard deviation of the episode scores.
                            "step": agent.current_step}  # current step
        for i_epoch in range(num_epoch):  # begin benchmarking
            print("Epoch: %d/%d:" % (i_epoch, num_epoch))
            agent.train(eval_interval)  # train the model for some steps
            test_scores = agent.test(env_fn, test_episode)  # test the model for some episodes

            if np.mean(test_scores) > best_scores_info["mean"]:  # if current score is better than history
                best_scores_info = {"mean": np.mean(test_scores),
                                    "std": np.std(test_scores),
                                    "step": agent.current_step}
                # save best model
        # end benchmarking
        print("Best Model Score: %.2f, std=%.2f" % (best_scores_info["mean"], best_scores_info["std"]))
        if not args.test:  # train the model without testing
            n_train_steps = args.running_steps // n_envs  # calculate the total steps of training
            agent.train(n_train_steps)  # train the model directly.
            agent.save_model("final_train_model.pth")  # save the final model file.
            print("Finish training!")
        else:  # test a trained model
            def env_fn():
                args_test = deepcopy(args)
                args_test.parallels = 1
                return make_envs(args_test)

            agent.render = True
            agent.load_model(agent.model_dir_load, args.seed)  # load the model file
            scores = agent.test(env_fn, args.test_episode)  # test the model
            print(f"Mean Score: {np.mean(scores)}, Std: {np.std(scores)}")
            print("Finish testing.")

    # the end.
    envs.close()  # close the environment
    agent.finish()  # finish the example

After finishing the above three steps, you can run the file in console and train the model:

python --method ppo --env mujoco --env-id Ant-v4

The source code of this example can be visited at the following link: